Within the program SME’s and Startups from India and Germany who see the other country as a potential market for their products and services will get the essential support and mentorship to establish their presence in the respective country.
Kamtech Associates Pvt. Ltd. (India) joined forces with a German co-working space provider to launch an Indo-German Accelerator program to promote business exchange between the two countries. Within the program SME’s and Startups from India and Germany who see the other country as a potential market for their products and services will get the essential support and mentorship to establish their presence in the respective country. The program will be offered for a duration of 6-12 months wherein Indian startups and SMEs would come and work in Germany for up-to 3 months and vice versa, during these three months they will have regular meetings, workshops and networking events; and would be given office space in Coworking areas.
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